Send your donation electronically from your online banking account using INTERAC e-Transfer. Please send INTERAC e-Transfers to
(Our church bank account is setup for auto-deposit and does not require a security question. Please double-check the email address when you send it.)
In the note field of your transaction request, please indicate your Offering Number and which fund(s) below you are giving to. You can split your donation between funds if you wish. (Example: If your donation is $100 and your Offering Number is 1234, your note could say 1234 50GF 25MS 25BF). All undesignated offerings will go to the General Fund. Any donation without an Offering Number will be recorded under the name of the bank account holder.
(GF) General Fund
(T) Thanksgiving
(BF) Building Fund
(M) Missions Fund
(MS) Ministry Shares
Note: e-Transfers are free for ICRC to receive, but you may incur a fee from your bank with each transaction.
You may drop off your offering at our Church Office at 9am-5pm on Monday or from Wednesday to Saturday. Please indicate your full legal name or Offering Number for tax-receipt purposes. Make cheque payable to Immanuel Christian Reformed Church.
If you’re in need of an Offering Number, you can fill out this form.
Alternatively, Offering Number application forms are in the wall slot outside Room 101 (Church Office). Please complete and submit to the Church Office, or drop in Dropbox outside Room 103 or send to Please include your full legal name and complete address to fulfill the CRA requirements for donation receipts.
Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Newsletters are sent out weekly.
There is Power in Prayer
Send us a prayer request for yourself, for a loved one or for someone in need. By submitting here, your prayer request will be shared with all those who gather and pray for the church and for the world.
If you would rather speak one-on-one with a Pastor, please use the space to note that instead of leaving a Prayer Request and we’ll get a Pastor to connect with you.